

Wonderful world that we lost Part 1

Every day, every hour, every moment on Earth is not noticeable ordinary man in the street battle between the Biosphere that has remained from its previous created biogenic Civilization, and the Technosphere, which creates modern blinded and stupefied humanity under the guidance of new owners, which some of us have accepted as “gods” and swore them allegiance, betraying the rest of the Human Race.

But in order to see and realize this confrontation, it is necessary to understand the fundamental principles of interaction with matter, which are the basis of these two approaches.

The main source of energy for Nutrient civilization is the light of the nearest star.And yet this star is to give light, biosphere, created by its Creators, will live and grow. Biogenic civilization, is civilization sustainable development. Thus all processes it is very highly optimized from the point of view of energy efficiency. For this reason, many of these processes occur slowly, often years, decades or even centuries. For the development from fertilized egg to newborn baby requires a whole 9 months.But it’s not a fully formed adult body, which is for the final development it requires about 20 years.

In the wildlife that surrounds us there is no such thing as not recyclable waste that is already starting to come out on top in the list of the problems of modern industrial civilization. It is impossible Islands of trash covering a huge area in the ocean.

After the death of any of the organisms of the matter and energy that remained in his body, will be fully recycled and used in the endless circle of Life. Some of the tissue in the beginning will serve as food for larger organisms, and all that will not be used by them, will ultimately be laid out and prepared for subsequent use miniature living nanobots, which we call bacteria and germs.Thus this process is very thought out and energy efficient, since most of the energy received from the Sun in the synthesis of organic molecules will be in one form or another, used either as food by other organisms, either of those compounds for synthesis which this energy was used. Decomposition of organic tissues to the initial source elements in nature even in the process of recycling occurs very rarely.

The slow pace of many processes in living Nature stems from the properties of the main Energy source, providing its functioning — the light of the Sun. The problem is that the amount of energy we can get per unit time per unit area is within limits, go beyond the impossible. If this amount of energy is not enough, then it will be difficult to maintain the processes of life, or they will go very, very slowly, as in the current tundra.If energy from the Sun will do too much, it will ruin it, turning the surface of the Planet into a scorched desert.

Technological civilization is based on completely different principles, most of which require very large amounts of energy. One of the key materials of industrial civilization are metals. All modern technical progress was possible only after humanity prompted by the “gods” have mastered the art of metallurgy. It is due to the crystalline structure of metals and get their unique strength and other properties, which uses a technological civilization, in their primitive machines, mechanisms and instruments of influence on the matter.But everything related to the production and processing of metals requires significant expenditure of energy, since the production and processing of the products you need to destroy or rebuild ties of the crystal lattice formed by metal atoms. For this reason you will not find anywhere else in nature metals in pure form. In nature, the atoms of metals occur either in the form of salts or in the form of oxides or complex organic molecules.In this form the atoms of metals are much easier to manipulate, does not require a large amount of energy to overcome the bonds between the atoms in the crystal lattice. In contrast to the industrial model that mercilessly consumes energy, nutrients simply can not afford such a luxury.

On average, to produce 1 ton of metal requires about 3 tons (depending on iron content) ore, 1.1 tons of coke, 20 tons of water, plus different amounts of flux. Thus to get a coke and to produce and bring the necessary raw materials, you further need to expend energy. Further, at all stages of metal processing and the manufacture of something useful you will have to constantly spend and expend energy in one way or another. Finally, you got what you needed. Some of the items for a given mechanism.But in fact, the life cycle of matter does not end there. To dispose of those metal parts that became no longer necessary, you will again have to expend energy to recycle the metal in the case. And at every step man made technological cycle an enormous amount of energy simply dissipated into the environment as heat, thus increasing entropy (chaos) in the Universe.Unlike the live environment, where the energy of the Sun stored in relations of organic molecules, can be used repeatedly, man-made environment is practically not able to use the energy released again.

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If you just throw out unneeded or that metal thing, some of the metal in nature will eventually be recycled, becoming under the action of water, wind and sunlight oxides or salts, and some metals and alloys will remain for thousands of years, turned into trash, poisoning the surrounding living environment.

Where technological civilization takes required a huge amount of energy? Most of the energy anyway it turns out due to the destruction of, for example, the combustion of organic compounds, which in one form or another are removed from the live environment. It does not matter, these compounds are produced by plants in the biosynthesis on the surface of the Planet, or are synthesized in the bowels of the planet some abiogenic method, according to some of the modern theory of the origin of coal and petroleum products.The critical issue is the balance of the rate of synthesis energy to the speed of their consumption. If the rate of synthesis, higher consumption rate, such a system can develop long enough, otherwise your resources will be exhausted. And even if the current level of consumption is below the rate of reproduction, such a civilization would be limited in its growth, as the growth in size of civilization and the increase in the number of its inhabitants will inevitably lead us to the time when the balance of production and consumption of resources will become negative.The effect of the formation of long-term energy relationships in organic molecules and its re-use that exists in the biosphere and provides it with the ability to long sustainable development and expansion of the technosphere is missing.

In addition, the planet is also silicone a living organism in which there are its vital processes. And if in the course of these processes form coal or synthesized liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons, it means that they have their purpose in the overall life cycle of the Planet and Biosphere. I have serious doubts that their purpose is precisely to technological civilization burned in an internal combustion engine or in furnaces of metallurgical plants and thermal power plants.Most likely those beings that created all these complex organisms and ecosystems, was on this account completely different plans. A similar situation arises with the ore from which technological civilization produces metals. Ore source is a crystalline body of the Planet, and that these metals to produce the body of the Planet must be destroyed.

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